Bali: Pa Andy and Drug Rehabilitation in the Name of Jesus

Sunset Handstand in Bali

Sunset Handstand in Bali

By Brandon and Tyler, WWO Ambassadors in Southeast Asia

Upon arrival in Bali, our new friend, Pa Andy picked us up from the airport. Pa Andy is a former Jakarta businessman and drug addict. During an 11 month stay in prison God grabbed a hold of his heart and called him to be a witness of Christ’s redeeming love to other drug users.  When Pa Andy was released from prison, he moved to Bali and opened up a group home for recovering addicts with his wife and newly born daughter. Since opening the group home, the Lord has provided Pa Andy a home and car for free through the grace of others.  Tyler and I had the honor of living in the group home.  All of the “kids” that currently live with Pa Andy are between the age of 20-30 and are HIV+.  In order to minister to all, Pa Andy introduces himself to Hindu and Muslim prostitutes on the street and to drug addicts who are either dying from Aids in the hospital or serving time in prison.  His goal is not to preach or evangelize, but rather love individuals and show them who Christ is.  Tyler and I witnessed this process in action when joined Pa Andy during his visit to a prison where Pa Andy teaches a drug seminar, and during his visit to a prostitute on the street at 11pm, and to a lifeguard while on duty at the state beach.

Perhaps one of the most humbling moments I have experienced was on our second night in Bali when Jojo (Yoko) and Vea shared their testimonies with us.  Both Jojo and Vea started doing Heroin when they were 13 years old.  Despite the fact that they had Aids, despite the fact that Jojo had killed his wife on accident by giving her too much heroine, neither Jojo or Vea felt any bitterness towards God or feel any regret; both were simply glad to experience a new type of community provided by Pa Andy, and wanted to share with others the peace and salvation found in Christ.

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